Security Jobs - Jobs in Security, Sales jobs, Security Guards
Online services (Employers)

© SSR® Personnel - Quality through selection

Employer on-line services

Here you can access a range of service

Submitting vacancies

You can submit permanent vacancies to SSR® at any time. Our specialist recruitment consultants will give the information you supply their immediate attention and contact you to confirm fees (if you do not have a contract with us),  an outline of timeframe and of course, ensure they have enough information to work on your requirements. Once a vacancy has been opened, you can edit or change the details at any time.


Instructing us on temporary, locum and contract assignments

You can advise us of urgent temporary/locum requirements requiring immediate attention or when planning for specialist projects. Our specialist temporary  recruitment consultants will advise on skills availability and pay rates, before agreeing with you a fee, which can be paid hourly, weekly, monthly; whatever suits you needs.  Our legally drafted contracts with our temporary workforce are designed to reduce the risk of employment legislation and associated costs, whilst providing maximum flexibility to you and the temporary workers.    Once an assignment is opened, you can vary the requirements at any time.

Searching for candidates

You can request a detailed search of our technical databases to be undertaken by our consultants or progress your enquiry to an active recruitment assignment .


Salary benchmarking and advice

From as little as £250 you can have our employment specialists look at your job roles and advise on  competencies, salary package, recruitment methods and selection tools.  Of course, this service is included FREE to client who have a contract with SSR® or we are providing recruitment services.

DBS checking

As a DBS umbrella service, SSR® provide access to enhanced and enhanced checks for employees and potential employees.  We also provide advice and help on abiding by the DBS code of practice, to ensure compliance.